Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 6!

I'm slacking! I know! I haven't done my 6w6p yet today, but I've been enjoying some quiet time around the house. But I just HAD to share this with you!

Best. Invention. EVER!

This WILL be going on my iPhone very, very soon! Can't wait to start RUNNING again! Update: Disappointment. I knew i was going to continue to have difficulty with 6w6p, mainly because of the cardio. My knees and hips don't like it, and soon, my landlord will be home and i will not be allowed any indoor cardio.

Tonight while doing my 6w6p, I was in the middle of doing a rep of burpees and both my knees snapped at the same time, which landed me on the ground in pain.

For the back story, I have what they call, "Iliotibial band syndrome" in both knees. In short, the band that is supposed to stabilize my knees while running or doing any sort of impact workout routine, doesn't do it's job. Basically, it's a band that wraps around your knee, up and over your femur and into your hip joint. When I have a flair up, I cannot walk for a while. The pain is excruciating. Needless to say, a lot of impact work is not good for me. If i wish to run again, I will need high shock absorbing running shoes that prevent me from feeling the shock of impact on the pavement.

So, What I must do now, is go through my 6w6p routine, write down all the reps and routine for the floor/ab work and just create my own routine, where i will get the same ab results that I want, without the leg workout. So, I'm off to do that now. Then icing my knees and resting. :-/
Update x2!
SO, I wrote down my 6w6p routine, and I'm very happy with it! I DEFINITELY can stick to this!
Tomorrows schedule is DDP Energy and 6w6p!

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